July 20, 1969… The spacecraft 'Eagle' landed on the Moon’s

We met Mr. ‘Man on the Moon’ in
How was the decision made once the Eagle landed, who was going to walk first? Did you ever think: ‘I wish I could have been the first man on the moon?’
No! It was clear months ago what we were going to do. Neil was our commander and had been treated in some other areas we had not been. That is why it was quite normal that he was the first man on the moon.
This should not be a problem anyway. Your photos on the moon became the symbol of this historical step!
Ah, yes. Things like this happen in life! (smiling)
What did you feel just as you stepped on the moon? Did you feel fear?
Fear shadows your logic. So, I did not. We were prepared for all possible scenarios. We were even very happy, making jokes. I recall now when we were getting ready to leave the moon,
Why do you think the Russians could not go to the Moon either before or after the
They had two programs that were competing somewhat with each other. They had also lost their main leader, Sergeri Korolov, the father of the Russian Space Program. Those reasons made it very difficult and once we had succeeded, they tried to keep their big rocket going, but then they switched to the story that they did not to intend to go to moon. They did not want to be second. They lost their motivation… at least in their political leadership…
If the
I think we would have continued to try! Depending on what the event was, we would have reacted in some appropriate way to continue on… To suppose, hypothetical failure without specifying exactly what it was, it is hard to cover every case. Someone may ask me what we would have done if we did not take off from the moon. Well, we would continue to work on and fix whatever the problem was. So, we could lift off! (smiling)
What would have changed in history if the Russians had stepped on Moon before you? Would we be living in a different world?
Let me answer that in another way by saying I believe that the success we had by landing on the moon first was the beginning of a realization by the leadership that when
What do you feel when you hear the conspiracy theories claiming man never went to the moon? What do you think lies behind this?

Do you think the super power status of the
Certainly. We came out of World War II, the winners and a new period of time began when we felt responsible for the rest of the people living in other parts of the globe. The intension of the Russians, that were making atomic weapons, hydrogen bombs and seemed determined to spread Communism, was clear: World domination. So they also attempted to do something in space and technology. Not to respond to
What is your personal view of President Kennedy? Do you think he played an important role in
He was a very charismatic individual and he spoke very well, he spoke clearly and with force, and the impact of his challenge, to go to the moon, to continue to the last and to resonate thus even today. We chose to do this exactly not because they are easy, but because they are hard. That is a challenge to every person in their lives, to do the best they can in whatever they face. That is enduring. Had he not been assassinated, his political statute probably would have come down some. Where as the vision, the myth of Kennedy, the charisma and Camelot remained and was not tarnished by Southeast Asian activities and the Vietnam War as subsequent presidents’ were… So, he remains an icon of challenge and success despite the fact that it occurred not in president Jonhson’s term, but in president Nixon’s term…
What did you feel first when you heard Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space? Were you dreaming to be an astronaut then?
No, I was in
There are two different approaches to the Space Exploration Missions in the
I wonder what those people think about why the Chinese, the Russian and the Europeans prefer to send humans into Space or who is going to decide about that? In the end, we set our goals and we definitely know that as long as people support that sending humans into Space is the most effective and efficient method. It is interesting… sometimes people ask ‘why don’t you go to the Moon again?’ Our purpose is not to invade or colonize the Moon. With this mission, we proved that human beings can go to the Moon and come back to the Earth safely and also we searched for an answer for what else can be done afterwards.
You have money, fame and power. What motivates you to write books about Space?
I am definitely not rich. You can be sure that there are many people richer than me here (smiling by showing the yachts around
Have you bought your ring from

No. I ordered it to be made in
Not even a small piece?
No. First of all, the things we brought back from the Moon belong to all humanity not to
Was it given to someone from
I am not sure; but I think it was. We visited your President in
Now you dedicated yourself to Space Tourism. Would you like to tell us about your vision?
Yes. I founded a company for that: ShareSpace. I am optimistic about it. The desire for people to go to the Space even for 5 minutes, to feel the gravity-free environment and to understand the universe we are in is really exciting me… As you know, a short while ago Globalflyer, the first civil spacecraft, actually managed to go out of the atmosphere and to come back. Three or four person trips will start soon. But I want more… I want people to go into Space, to orbit around the world a few times, even to stay there for 24 hours and then come back to where they took off. And I also want people with a low income to be able to do that not only rich people. Only then can we talk about real space tourism. Besides, people are paying taxes to carry out Space Exploration Programs. If they are paying for that, why should they lack this pleasure!
Some people think that spending money for Space Exploration is waste of money, referring to the big problems that humanity faces such as poverty, disease, and poor education…
Trust me; the budget for Space Exploration wouldn’t be enough to wipe out any of these problems. But it is enough to just look at the technologies we use today to see what we gained from these researches.
When is mankind going to step on a new planet, for instance Mars?
Of course when we are ready! First of all, it is necessary to complete the International Space Station and to develop the Space Shuttle Program. I estimate that we can travel to Mars between approximately 2025 and 2030. But unfortunately, I don’t think I will be able to see that. We should go to Mars; we have to do that to create new residential areas apart from the world.
Why? Is there not enough space in the World?

There is only one World. But the World plus somewhere else... it will be different! We should go to Mars and not only go to Mars; furthermore, we should create the conditions for life there. Let’s say the World was destroyed somehow! There will be a place where we can make a new start at least. There is always such a threat. For instance, last year we discovered an asteroid 100 meters in diameter. We estimated that it would hit the World in 2029, but in last autumn, we calculated that it would probably just pass by. There is a possible threat in 2060 as well. If it hits the World, tsunami waves of 60 meters may destroy
When people look at the Moon with their loved ones, they usually have thoughts and feelings of romance. What about you? How do you feel?
I bet they remember us alongside the romanticism! What we did was extraordinary and incredible. And whatever they say, it was for the benefit of humanity. Whenever I look at the Moon, I say to my self that ‘I did a great job!’ As most of the people, I could have studied at Harvard, become a lawyer, earned lots of money, and bought yachts. But this is my choice. I felt that I could have been more useful to my country in this way as a pilot, an engineer and an astronaut.
Photos by: Mustafa Kirazlı
09 August 2005, Tuesday, ZAMAN Daily, İstanbul
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Click here to read the interview on Zaman Daily
Click here to see the interview as newspaper format, part 1
Click here to see the interview as newspaper format, part 2
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